
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
  1. const(Module) parseModule(string fileName, ubyte[] code, RollbackAllocator* p, StringCache cache, const(Token)[] tokens, MessageDelegate dlgMessage, ulong* linesOfCode, uint* errorCount, uint* warningCount)
    string fileName
    ubyte[] code
    RollbackAllocator* p
    ref StringCache cache
    ref const(Token)[] tokens
    MessageDelegate dlgMessage
    ulong* linesOfCode = null
    uint* errorCount = null
    uint* warningCount = null
  2. const(Module) parseModule(string fileName, ubyte[] code, RollbackAllocator* p, string errorFormat, StringCache cache, bool report, const(Token)[] tokens, ulong* linesOfCode, uint* errorCount, uint* warningCount)
