1 //          Copyright Brian Schott (Hackerpilot) 2014.
2 // Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
3 //    (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
4 //          http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 module analysis.range;
8 import std.stdio;
9 import dparse.ast;
10 import dparse.lexer;
11 import analysis.base;
12 import analysis.helpers;
13 import dsymbol.scope_ : Scope;
15 /**
16  * Checks for .. expressions where the left side is larger than the right. This
17  * is almost always a mistake.
18  */
19 class BackwardsRangeCheck : BaseAnalyzer
20 {
21 	alias visit = BaseAnalyzer.visit;
23 	/// Key for this check in the report output
24 	enum string KEY = "dscanner.bugs.backwards_slices";
26 	/**
27 	 * Params:
28 	 *     fileName = the name of the file being analyzed
29 	 */
30 	this(string fileName, const(Scope)* sc)
31 	{
32 		super(fileName, sc);
33 	}
35 	override void visit(const ForeachStatement foreachStatement)
36 	{
37 		if (foreachStatement.low !is null && foreachStatement.high !is null)
38 		{
39 			import std.string : format;
41 			state = State.left;
42 			visit(foreachStatement.low);
43 			state = State.right;
44 			visit(foreachStatement.high);
45 			state = State.ignore;
46 			if (hasLeft && hasRight && left > right)
47 			{
48 				string message = format(
49 						"%d is larger than %d. Did you mean to use 'foreach_reverse( ... ; %d .. %d)'?",
50 						left, right, right, left);
51 				addErrorMessage(line, this.column, KEY, message);
52 			}
53 			hasLeft = false;
54 			hasRight = false;
55 		}
56 		foreachStatement.accept(this);
57 	}
59 	override void visit(const AddExpression add)
60 	{
61 		immutable s = state;
62 		state = State.ignore;
63 		add.accept(this);
64 		state = s;
65 	}
67 	override void visit(const UnaryExpression unary)
68 	{
69 		if (state != State.ignore && unary.primaryExpression is null)
70 			return;
71 		else
72 			unary.accept(this);
73 	}
75 	override void visit(const PrimaryExpression primary)
76 	{
77 		import std.conv : to, ConvException;
79 		if (state == State.ignore || !isNumberLiteral(primary.primary.type))
80 			return;
81 		if (state == State.left)
82 		{
83 			line = primary.primary.line;
84 			this.column = primary.primary.column;
86 			try
87 				left = parseNumber(primary.primary.text);
88 			catch (ConvException e)
89 				return;
90 			hasLeft = true;
91 		}
92 		else
93 		{
94 			try
95 				right = parseNumber(primary.primary.text);
96 			catch (ConvException e)
97 				return;
98 			hasRight = true;
99 		}
100 	}
102 	override void visit(const Index index)
103 	{
104 		if (index.low !is null && index.high !is null)
105 		{
106 			state = State.left;
107 			visit(index.low);
108 			state = State.right;
109 			visit(index.high);
110 			state = State.ignore;
111 			if (hasLeft && hasRight && left > right)
112 			{
113 				import std.string : format;
115 				string message = format("%d is larger than %d. This slice is likely incorrect.",
116 						left, right);
117 				addErrorMessage(line, this.column, KEY, message);
118 			}
119 			hasLeft = false;
120 			hasRight = false;
121 		}
122 		index.accept(this);
123 	}
125 private:
126 	bool hasLeft;
127 	bool hasRight;
128 	long left;
129 	long right;
130 	size_t column;
131 	size_t line;
132 	enum State
133 	{
134 		ignore,
135 		left,
136 		right
137 	}
139 	State state = State.ignore;
141 	long parseNumber(string te)
142 	{
143 		import std.conv : to;
144 		import std.string : removechars;
146 		string t = te.removechars("_uUlL");
147 		if (t.length > 2)
148 		{
149 			if (t[1] == 'x' || t[1] == 'X')
150 				return to!long(t[2 .. $], 16);
151 			if (t[1] == 'b' || t[1] == 'B')
152 				return to!long(t[2 .. $], 2);
153 		}
154 		return to!long(t);
155 	}
156 }
158 unittest
159 {
160 	import analysis.config : StaticAnalysisConfig;
162 	StaticAnalysisConfig sac;
163 	sac.backwards_range_check = true;
164 	assertAnalyzerWarnings(q{
165 		void testRange()
166 		{
167 			a = node.tupleof[2..T.length+1]; // ok
168 			foreach (a; 10 .. j + 2) {} // ok
170 			int[] data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
172 			data = data[1 .. 3]; // ok
173 			data = data[3 .. 1]; // [warn]: 3 is larger than 1. This slice is likely incorrect.
175 			foreach (n; 1 .. 3) { } // ok
176 			foreach (n; 3 .. 1) { } // [warn]: 3 is larger than 1. Did you mean to use 'foreach_reverse( ... ; 1 .. 3)'?
177 		}
178 	}}, sac);
180 	stderr.writeln("Unittest for BackwardsRangeCheck passed.");
181 }